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Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland to Armenian President Sarkissian: Letter and spirit of Constitution should be respected

May 04,2018 12:22

In their phone conversation yesterday, on 3 May 2018, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, and the President of Armenia, Mr Armen Sarkissian, discussed the current situation in Armenia.

Secretary General Jagland was informed about the latest events in Yerevan. He underlined that after having assisted Armenia during the recent constitutional reform, the Council of Europe was very attentive to the first steps of the implementation of the Constitution, which letter and spirit should be respected.

Jagland confirmed the Organisation’s readiness to further assist Armenia on its way towards a society based on our major values of Human rights, Rule of Law and Democracy. 

Daniel Holtgen

Spokesperson of the Secretary General, Council of Europe

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