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‘Victory is not that I am elected as Armenia’s Prime Minister, but that you have decided who to be Prime Minister’: Nikol Pashinyan

May 08,2018 16:31

Shortly before, the newly-elected Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan visited Republic Square. Citizens gathered there were impatiently taking photos with him. Nikol Pashinyan’s speech was preceded by the Armenian National Anthem.

Nikol Pashinyan announced: “Dear proud citizens of Armenia, you won today. No longer will anyone dare to take away your victory with any encroachment. I want to clearly state what is your victory and its essence. The victory is not that I have been elected as Prime Minister of Armenia, the victory is that you have decided who will be the Prime Minister. It does not matter who will be the Prime Minister. Today only one subject has the right to decide who will be in the government and that subject is the citizen of the Republic of Armenia. The positions of President, Prime Minister, MP or Parliament President, are just a service to the people. From now on the people should care that all the officials, President, Prime Minister, and the rest, serve the people honestly, otherwise, the people should make their step as they did in April 2018.

Assuming the position of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, I declare that I serve the Armenian people, the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, I serve the Republic of Artsakh, and the Republic of Armenia. Bravo to freedom, to the Republic of Armenia, to us and our children who already live in free and happy Armenia”.

Nikol Pashinyan said that he now needs to deal with a concrete task and declared: “In the upcoming half-hour I will officially take over the duties of the Armenian Prime Minister, after which I will listen to a report on the security environment of the Republic of Armenia by the representatives of the Armenian Armed Forces and National Security Service. Then I will start fulfilling my duties”.

Let us remind that today Nikol Pashinyan was elected Prime Minister with 59 votes for and 42 votes against at the special sitting of the National Assembly.



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