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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘Society should feel that this government is first of all accountable to the public’

May 14,2018 13:24

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a consultation with the newly appointed Cabinet ministers.

The Prime Minister congratulated them on joining the government: “Please get down to your job right away, get acquainted with the current situation so that we do not lose time, because there are operational problems that need to be given a prompt response.

The logic and philosophy of our work is as follows: our calling and task is to make the citizens of Armenia feel more comfortable and better-off in our country. Of course, our government has a political priority, namely to prepare the Republic of Armenia for snap parliamentary elections, but in the meantime, we must be able to state serious results.

Our government should keep in close touch with society. The public at large should feel that this is the government shaped on their own, which is first of all accountable to the public and not only does it suggest ideas, but it also has all the necessary arguments to substantiate them and highlight their usefulness,” Nikol Pashinyan said.

The Prime Minister noted that in the nearest future the government should carry out priority reforms in different spheres and, in that respect, it needs strong public support. Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that the public’s support is the main factor to lead the government’s activity.

“Serious hopes are pinned on our government, and our most important task is to justify the hopes of RA citizens. This implies a new work style, a new approach, a new philosophy, a new culture. No matter what appointing a minister or a vice prime minister used to mean in the Republic of Armenia before, this should be something completely different now. No matter what the prime minister’s appointment has implied so far. I hope it will stand for something new after May 8,” the Head of Government said.

Nikol Pashinyan thanked the newly appointed ministers for their readiness to join the government, noting that he is leading a government of concord.

“We know that representatives of different political forces are part of the government. Nevertheless, the government should act as a team, otherwise we cannot be effective, and I consider myself to be the guarantor that the government will do so. I hope we have full mutual understanding here,” the Premier said.

The Head of Government noted that one of the most important issues is the elaboration of the new government program and its presentation to the National Assembly.

“I am now asking each of you to start working as soon as possible. Of course, the program should be optimistic; it should reflect the citizens’ hopes associated with this government. We must gather all our forces and proceed to work at once,” Nikol Pashinyan emphasized.

During the consultation, reference was made to the government’s future activities, mid-term expenditure program, the fight against corruption and other issues of primary concern.

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