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Prime Minister: ‘No doubts Taron Margaryan was elected through vote buying’

May 17,2018 16:54

Today, after the Government session, PM Nikol Pashinyan, answering to the journalists’ questions and addressing the protests of the preceding days and the opinion that they are directed against Pashinyan and are a sabotage, replied: “I do not see any element of sabotage, and it cannot be a sabotage.”

As regards the amendment to the Election Code the PM assured – the process towards the amendment to the Election Code is commenced. If the abolition of the ranking system is on the ground of the amendment, Pashinyan answered: “Not only, we will discuss and make a decision after political debates.”

Asked what kind of economy they have inherited, Pashinyan replied: “A monopolistic economy, where the opportunities of economic activities were restricted. And we will quickly enlarge those opportunities. As soon as the monopolies are not overcome, it is not possible to speak about positive shifts.”

About the protests with the request of the resignation of Yerevan City Mayor Taron Margaryan and if the PM agrees with this request, he answered: “I have given my assessment – there is no doubt that Taron Margaryan was elected through vote buying.”


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