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The Armenian ®Tag is already in local, Russian and American markets

May 18,2018 13:08

The souvenirs created with the support of Business Armenia and under the ®Tag (translated as “crown”) brand are already in the market presented in 20 sales outlets. Batches of the souvenirs have also been exported to Russia and the United States. In Armenia those are presented in the National Gallery, museums, and souvenir shops.

“In the near future the number of outlets will increase and will include souvenir galleries by the churches. Besides, the export market will expand reaching Canada, Ukraine and France.” – stated the Business Armenia Businessmen Support team leader Mr. Hayk Mirzoyan.

“We currently produce 15 types of souvenirs, and the highest demand among those have hats, shirts, teas and bookmarks. We simultaneously work on providing e-commerce” – noted the CEO of “47 design” company, Mr. Arsen Meliksetyan.

®Tag has been created to produce souvenirs with the images of Tigran the Great, Queen Parandzem  Hayk Nahapet, Paruyr Skayordi, and goddess Anahit. The project is being implemented with the public-private partnership. The “47 Design” company implements the production.

You may find the photoshoot and the list of all the outlets by following the link or here: .


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