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President Sarkissian met with former employees of Nairit plant

May 18,2018 14:10

President Armen Sarkissian met today with the former director of Nairit plant Karen Israelian, members of the Nairit workers coordinating group and the lawyer of the employees Tigran Sargsyan. The decision to have this meeting was reached on May 7 when the President met with the former employees of Nairit that were protesting in front of the Presidential Palace.

At the meeting with the President, the lawyer of the Nairit employees spoke about discontent of the employees related to the work of the judicial system, assessing as biased the stance of the judges with regard to the Nairit case. In his opinion, the rights of the employees have been violated while the judges are intentionally protracting court hearings related to Nairit.

Representatives of the Nairit employees raised also the issue of relaunching the plant and presented their views regarding the issue. They noted that the issue has remained unresolved for years, and the steps taken by the previous governments, in their opinion, have been inefficient.

Responding to the issues raised by the participants of the meeting, President Armen Sarkissian noted that considering the new atmosphere established in the country, the judiciary branch too has to make a step forward and undergo reformation: Biased judges have no place in the system. He informed that in the framework of the authority invested in him by the Constitution, he has discussed the mentioned issues with the leadership of the structure. The President of Armenia stressed the importance of discussing this issue with the Government. As a priority, Armen Sarkissian noted the necessity of the expert evaluation of the current state of the plant and opportunities for its relaunch as well as possible interest of the investors in this area.


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