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Artsakh Foreign Minister Received Delegation of the Armenian Bar Association of the U.S.A

May 26,2018 16:03

On May 25, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh Republic) Masis Mayilian received the delegation of the Armenian Bar Association of the USA.

The Foreign Minister welcomed the decision of the Armenian Bar Association of the United States to hold its29th annual forum in Artsakh, noting the importance of getting acquainted with the ongoing processes in the country on the spot and establishing direct contacts with the relevant structures of the Republic.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the legal aspects of the processes of international recognition of Artsakh and peaceful settlement of the conflict. Masis Mayilian highly appreciated the January 2016 resolution of the Armenian Bar Association of the USA to declare the contribution to the international recognition of Artsakh as an independent and sovereign state as its official policy. In this context, the sides discussed ways and methods of cooperation between the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh and the Armenian Bar Association of the United States, as well as holding expert consultations, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the application of legal mechanisms in the fulfillment of the Republic’s foreign policy goals.

Masis Mayilian also awarded the Armenian Bar Association with a commemorative medal dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Karabakh movement.

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