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Diasporan Armenian to the Catholicos: ‘Make an annual donation of 300 thousand dollars’

May 26,2018 15:41

At the “Armenia” pan-Armenian Foundation Trustees’ meeting, Foundation member of the Audit Committee, Diasporan Armenian Ara Aslan stated that the number of donations has declined, and the reason is not only the lack of trust in the management of these funds by Diasporan philanthropists.

According to Ara Aslan, annual stable donations are needed. Ara Aslan addressed to the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II present at the meeting, suggesting that the church make an annual donation of 300 thousand dollars. His suggestion also referred to the “Armenian General Benevolent Union”.

The Catholicos stressed that the church has always made donations. The Catholicos of All Armenians mentioned that the Armenian Apostolic Church is not a profit-making structure, and the latter’s expenses are carried out due to donations made by philanthropists. “It is not appropriate to organize a separate donation to be able to donate to the Foundation. The Church has always supported the Fund with donations and calls for donations”, he assured.

Armenian President Armen Sargsyan also expressed his opinion on the suggestion, saying that the issue should be discussed. At the end of the conference, the President announced that he would donate ten million drams from his salary to the “Armenia” pan-Armenian Foundation as a donation.




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