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‘Trump cherishes some expectations from Aliyev’: Stanislav Tarasov: ‘168 Zham’

May 26,2018 16:40

“Behind Trump’s announcement, there is an obvious wish to perform as the initiator of the conflict resolution as the main mediator of the conflict. A lot of formats can be discussed. However, the most successful will be Pashinyan-Aliyev meeting in Washington by Trump’s mediation and the furthering of the package of resolution, about which the Western diplomats have spoken a lot throughout the recent years,” informed Russian political scientist, Stanislav Tarasov, referring to the letter of Donald Trump to Aliyev during the interview with “168 Zham” (168 Hours).

According to him, it is difficult to say which direction the US President will choose to move. Tarasov thinks it is a beneficial atmosphere to put questions before Azerbaijan: “Moreover, it becomes clear from the formulations of Trump’s letter, that the US President cherishes some expectations from Aliyev on this matter, which is expressed in his sentence: “I wait for a cooperation with you,” said Tarasov.

Russian political scientist Aleksandr Skakov is of the opinion that the American initiative will not have a positive end. Furthermore, as far as he is convinced, it will gain the same ending as all previous high-ranked summits.



Source: “168 Zham” newspaper

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