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‘Nikol and ‘anti-Nikols’: picture of new Parliament by Hovhannes Igityan

May 26,2018 16:35

“I am sure, that the Republican Party of Armenia does not have the opportunities about which its members announce. I doubt that after this “wave” they will be able to appear in the Parliament by a “non-vote-buying” option,” referring to the fact that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s political team intends to hold extraordinary parliamentary elections in autumn, said Hovhannes Igityan, expert on international relations.   

“They think in the result of those parliamentary elections the Parliament will have the following picture: Nikol and “anti-Nikols”, inasmuch as the legislative reflection of the post-revolutionary situation proceeds,” he added.

Hovhannes Igityan gives a positive assessment to the fact that Pashinyan speaks of the necessity of amendments to some provisions of the Constitution: “We should return to the semi-presidential system, where the president should be the representative of the majority of the people. The government should engage in management and economic issues.”

As stated by Igityan, some criticize the young officials of the new Government, because the society truly cherishes hopes with them: “They did not cherish hopes with the former ones. It is important to me that the Government has new people, who are not soaked in corruption schemes.”



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