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‘Why should I return?”: what do Armenian scientists living abroad want to return to Armenia?

May 28,2018 14:33

Armenian scientists living abroad issued a statement demanding Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation in April, during the days of the velvet revolution. The scientists mentioned about the pitiful problem of the leakage of the scientific potential from the Republic of Armenia in the statement, saying: “We express our solidarity with our compatriots who have are fighting against the authoritarian system formed in Armenia implementing their political and civil liberties”. asked scientists living abroad whether they intend to return to homeland and continue their activities here now as the government has changed. Philologist, PhD student Tiran Manucharyan, who left Armenia in 2014 and lives in the UK, said: “To be honest I do not think about returning to Armenia. I have narrow specialization and I will work wherever I get the opportunity to work. It is difficult to assess the situation in Armenia from a distance. I like the general enthusiasm, but it is clear that we will not become Switzerland in a day or a year. In terms of science, there are still too many problems, especially in the field of humanities. I do not think that in case of changes we should expect everyone to return. People have built their careers in other places, especially that it is not easy to find a job in the field of humanities. Simply, it is necessary to make it possible for Armenia to become attractive for scientists in the course of time, I do not say competitive, because it will require a lot of time”.

Albert Voskanyan, a chemist living in Hong Kong who left Armenia in 2012, replied: “If at least minimal sufficient conditions are created, I would seriously think about returning to the homeland. I asses the changes that took place very positively, and I hope in the nearest future effective steps will be taken to develop science in our homeland”. Whether what he meant by saying the minimal sufficient conditions, he said: “Attaching importance to the science as priority by the state, fair competitive conditions, modern equipment for experimental research, state competition grants, high salary, etc”.

Neuro-psycholinguist Byurakn Ishkhanyan left Armenia in 2011 and lives in Denmark. In response to our question he said: “At this point I do not have such an intention. First of all, it is unclear what kind of scientific policy the new authorities will have, because they have not said anything about science yet. Then, it is simply impossible to leave everything immediately and return to Armenia within a day without knowing what to even expect”.

It should be noted that Byurakn Ishkhanyan visited Armenia for a short time after the revolution and wrote about his visit and his return to Armenia in his blog: “A few days after Serzh’s resignation I was in Yerevan. My visit was short, I did not manage to meet everyone, but whomever of my friends I talked to, they said they have changed their minds and do not want to migrate. Then they asked me: “Will you return to Armenia?”. My friends asked me this question for the first time in four years, because they would never forget how I returned from Europe to Armenia filled with dreams, trying to find a job or start a scientific career in the provinces and how my dreams crushed. Just half a year later I went back again, and this time I was really convinced that I would never return again. But after the revolution I asked myself this question for

the first time too, then I asked myself another question: “Why should I return?”. I am not the only one. Behind the scenes, many of us who have left Armenia are discussing the possibility of returning, but none of us will pack their baggage and return back tomorrow. The new government continues to make calls for returning. Many Facebook users are urging “to return to Armenia right now”. We, many Armenians living abroad, just skip these conversations because we know that we will not return right now, neither next year, nor maybe five years later. Even checking websites of all the media all day long, following and discussing the revolution and the steps of the new authorities do not contribute to leaving everything behind and coming back to Armenia”.



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