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National Security Service reveals and announces what is known to almost any active citizen of Armenia: ‘Zhamanak’

May 31,2018 14:36

On May 30, the National Security Service released information on how “Alex Holding” company, that belongs to a Republican MP Samvel Aleksanyan’s family, has hidden 20 percent Value Added Tax generated from the turnover of 40 billion drams and profit tax through various illegal tricks, paying only 2 percent turnover tax. According to the National Security Service statement, that was done by registering several hundreds of individual entrepreneurs by various citizens’ passports. In other words, from the National Security Service statement, it is clear that tens of billions of drams have been hidden from the state. National Security Service announced the initiation of a criminal case. As long as there is no court decision on the offense, no one can be considered a criminal, and in that sense, we have to respect the presumption of innocence.

On the other hand, the National Security Service reveals and announces what was known to almost any active citizen of Armenia more or less interested in why the state has reached the state when it has lived with actual state debt. For dozens of families using shady agreements with various authority bodies and government, levers have lived at the expense of the state. The National Security Service has stated that the former State Revenue Committee leadership has had such shady arrangements not only with “Alex Grig”, but also with 11 other major trading networks, which means that at least 11 other trading networks may be suspected of an offense of accumulating wealth in the expense of the state.




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