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Republican Party ready to discuss issue of extraordinary elections: ‘A1+’

June 01,2018 18:32

At a briefing after the Republican Council session, David Harutyunyan said that the Republican Party is ready to discuss the issue of extraordinary elections. The party is also willing to consider the amendments to the Electoral Code.

“All forces represented in the parliament should participate in these discussions. This is required both by a democratic approach and a tradition formed in us. So far, we have not received such an invitation”, said David Harutyunyan.

He noted that the Republican Party welcomes several provisions proposed by Nikol Pashinyan on the amendments to the Electoral Code. “We welcome Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that the elections should be held by investing several additional mechanisms, for example, creating a fingerprint online database. We consider that this is a useful offer and we are ready to participate in the discussion, supporting this provision”, said David Harutyunyan

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