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‘They say a lot of our fellow Armenians return’: Minister of Diaspora

June 03,2018 13:33 asked the new Minister of Diaspora, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan: “The opposition was previously saying, “at the day these authorities leave, Serzh Sargsyan resigns, all will come back to Armenia,” but it is already a month you are in power, where are the immigrants? How many people have come?” The Minister replied: “You joke, of course, but the news that a lot of our fellow Armenians return is widespread. This is of course to be welcomed, but when we speak of repatriation, we speak of an institutional repatriation. We speak of the provision of respective conditions, building infrastructures, manifold factors. Yes, Serzh Sargsyan left, yes, a new government has formed, but you cannot announce by no means about repatriation, mass immigration if you do not have respective conditions. We are not going to take a risk now. When we are sure that the repatriated people will come and integrate into the society, the society will accept them with a great warmth and open arms, when we are sure that we will provide them with workplaces and shelters… that is – we can implement this within the frameworks of a program formed in the result of a row of strategic plans.”

To the question if it implied that we should create respective conditions and afterwards call them back, the Minister did not reply.

Mkhitar Hayrapetyan said that now the new Government has that political will to establish the rule of law in the country, to defend the interests of entrepreneurships and investors, as well as provide equal competitive conditions.  



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