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General Tsolakyan leaves the Republican Faction of the Parliament of Armenia

June 05,2018 14:36

The former governor of Shirak, Felix Tsolakyan, who was elected as Shirak governor via the ranking system of the Republican Party of Armenia, published on his “Facebook” informing on his leave from the Republican Faction.

“Respected fellow Armenians, I want to inform you that I leave the Republican Faction of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Perhaps all of you know that I have never been a member of any party, and after the elections of the prime minister on May 1 of the current year my cooperation with the Republican Faction has ceased factually. Taking into consideration the circumstance that I was elected as an MP via the ranking system and I have direct responsibilities before our fellow Armenians who voted for me and the whole Shirak Province, I am going to act as an independent MP and represent the issues of our people. Peace to all of us,” wrote the MP.




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