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Sharmazanov: ‘Pashinyan is not going to share laurels of victory with anyone’

June 08,2018 15:41

“We witnessed in the National Assembly, that Pashinyan is not going to share the laurels of success and victory with anyone, neither with “Tsarukyan” alliance, nor with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Party, nor, as I believe, with his fellows of the bloc. My impression might be wrong, but the first impression is such. It may irritate some of our colleagues”, Republican Party spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov told journalists after the Republican Executive Body session, referring to the voting for the government’s plan in the National Assembly.

“Let me repeat, this is a document of dreams. Let God these dreams come true one day. However, since dreams do not come true within a day, I think our assessments are realistic. The plan is not based on today’s realities”, he said.

Sharmazanov insisted that the new government’s plan is incomplete and this is why the majority of Republicans voted “against”. “There was nothing surprising, the Republicans had decided to vote against Pashinyan’s government plan. As it had been decided, there were 39 “against” and 12 “for” votes for the government’s plan to be adopted. Nikol Pashinyan is the only one politically responsible for the plan, neither “Tsarukyan” alliance, nor the Armenian Revolutionary Federation is responsible for it”.

Eduard Sharmazanov did not give assessment over the tough critical statements made by some members of “Tsarukyan” alliance addressed to the Republicans: “Let me remind that everything should be within the limits of political culture and correctness. Perhaps they want to look more Catholic than the Pope, ask them”.




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