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U.S. Embassy continues celebration of social inclusion of individuals with disabilities

June 12,2018 15:09

As a continuation of its “Wonder-ful Life” campaign started in 2014, which saw the translation of the book “Wonder” into Armenian and development of a curriculum to help more than 50 schools teach the importance of social inclusion for individuals with disabilities, the U.S. Embassy will be offering two free public screenings of the Hollywood film adaptation of the novel “Wonder.”


The U.S. Embassy will screen “Wonder” on Monday June 11 and Tuesday June 12, at 7 p.m. at the Moscow Cinema in Yerevan. The film is in English with no subtitles.


The novel and movie tell the story of Auggie, a young boy born with a rare facial condition, who finds his inner strength to overcome bullies when he enters mainstream school for the first time in fifth grade. The film, starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, was released last year to wide acclaim.


“The book was so well received by young Armenian readers when the Embassy translated it into Armenian in 2014, that we are now excited to bring this Hollywood film version to Armenian audiences,” said U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer Robert Anderson. “I think kids, parents, teachers, film lovers, all will find something that resonates with them in this touching movie.”


The U.S. Embassy is proud of its support to the Government of Armenia in its efforts to make education fully inclusive, a goal that Armenia has pledged to reach by 2025.


The U.S. Embassy has republished the Armenian translation of the book and availed them in the foyer to our guests.


You can learn more about the U.S. Embassy’s past “Wonder-ful Life” campaign here:


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