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Offices of ‘Yerevan’ foundation in Yerevan Municipality administrative building searched: National Security Service of Armenia

June 13,2018 14:38

V.G. and A. Kh. have reported to the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia that the officials of the Municipality of Yerevan have required transferring large amounts of money to “Yerevan” foundation besides the payments stipulated by law for issuing respective licenses for construction and property registration.

During the investigation, it was revealed that a part of the purchased cash money has not been entered the bank account of the foundation and has been stolen.         

A criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia on the ground of the reports on the crime upon Part 2 (“Abuse of official liabilities accidentally creating heavy consequences”) of Article 308 and 1.1 provision of Part 2 (“Fraud carried out through the abuse of official position”) of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia.  

The offices of “Yerevan” foundation in Yerevan Municipality administrative building have been searched on the ground of the criminal case.

Large-scale operative and reconnaissance events are carried out and an investigation is in the process to disclose the circumstances of collecting money from citizens, the aims and directions of the expenditure, as well as the legality.


Notice: the suspect or the accused of the supposed crime is considered innocent until his/her guilt is not proven upon the rules of order of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia via the legal verdict of the court entered into force.

Press Center of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia    


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