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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘No problems in our relations with Russia’

June 15,2018 15:41

At the start of the Government session, referring to his visit to Moscow, PM Nikol Pashinyan  said: “We can record that we had an effective visit and also that Armenia-Russia relations develop dynamically and with a good speed, with a better speed than it is common to predict in Armenian and not only in Armenian media. We can record that there are no problems in our relations.”

As stated by him, the economic potential should be used fully. After the visit discussions will take place with the ministers and certain tasks will be given.

According to Nikol Pashinyan, the Government and the adjacent bodies should work seriously to be able to use the potential of the export of fruits and vegetables, inasmuch as the Russian market has its need: “I am hopeful that some structural changes connected with the legislation will not have any negative influence on this process.”


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