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Food sent to soldiers including condensed milk, macaroni and even toilet paper reserved in storages of Manvel Grigoryan’s summer house

June 18,2018 14:19

The officers of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia have searched the rest area located at Lchapnya Street of Arshaluys village of Armavir Region as well as summer house N. 46 of Alaverdyan Street, Ejmiatsin City of the Republic of Armenia belonging to Manvel Grigoryan upon the right to ownership within the realization of their functions directed at the fight against the criminality under the issued criminal case on the ground of the provisions of section 2 of Article 235 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia on June 16 of the current year.
The rest area belonging to Manvel Grigoryan was turned into an armory, auto park of a dozen of retro and modern cars.

Aknalich summer house has served also as a storage for keeping food, hygienic items, drugs and clothes labeled “for the soldier”.

The letters addressed to the soldiers, which were attached to carton boxes, revealed that the content of the boxes was the aid to the front keeping soldiers sent still in April War days in 2016. Army military tank tops, socks, drugs, cotton bandage rolls, pills… why all of this had appeared in Aknalich rest area of Artsakh hero will be disclosed by the Investigation Department of the National Security Service within the framework of the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated upon section 2 of Article 235 of the Criminal Code.

The food sent to the soldiers from dozens of kindergartens, schools, and communities of the Republic, encompassing condensed milk, macaroni, tomato paste, canned meat and vegetables, even hygienic items, toilet paper were also stored in the storages of the rest area.

Also, food with the special label “for the soldier” intended for the Ministry of Defence not subject to sale or usage for other needs were revealed due to the search. It is noteworthy to mention about the ammunition disclosed in and confiscated from the territory belonging to Manvel Grigoryan.  

18 PG-7 anti-tank grenade launchers, 20 F-1 projectiles, 21.589 bullets of different calibers, 12 400-gram TNT explosives, 27 KD explosives, 2 detachable magazines and a set of other types of weapons were confiscated from summer house 28 of Arshaluys village during the searches.

79 rifles with serial numbers, 39 pistols with serial numbers, 12.300 bullets of different calipers were confiscated from the summer house 46 on Alaverdyan Street, Ejmiatsin, belonging to Manvel Grigoryan. Certifications of a dozen ownerships were revealed in the summer house as well. Also 3 auto parks were uncovered in the summer house, where a collection of expensive modern cars, retro cars, collections of motorcycles and motor sleds were in place.

Noteworthy was also the disclosure of a row of SUVs and an ambulance intended for the Defense Army in April War days. They were donated to the Defense Army by the representatives of the Armenian Community of Russia, and Manvel Grigoryan had registered them by the names of his relatives and taken to his personal auto park.

The Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia also possesses a personal zoo in his summer house, where a tiger, bears, ostriches are settled, also a hippodrome exists. Upon the received information it became clear that Manvel Grigoryan had used the food intended for the soldiers having participated in April War to feed his personal zoo inhabitants.

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case proceeds. Additional information on the process and results will be published.


Notification: The suspect or the accused of the suspected crime is considered innocent unless his or her guilt is not proven in compliance with the rules of order prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia upon the issued verdict of the court.


Press Center of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia

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