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Vazgen Yagubyan: ‘Diaspora is not only a source of funds’

June 28,2018 14:33

“Diaspora is not only a source of funds. Diaspora is much more than that. We have a great potential, we have huge resources that can support the development of this country, its construction and strengthening”, Head of the AGBU Armenia office Vazgen Yagubyan said during the presentation of Together4Armenia platform.

“The aim of the “Together for Armenia”( platform, as presented by its authors, is to create an effective link between Armenian experts living in different countries of the world and communities and NGOs in Armenia. This platform was created by the Armenian General Benevolent Union – Armenia, with the support of UNICEF representation in Armenia.

Together4Armenia, as its authors said, encourages intellectual volunteering, it is a bridge between local initiatives and Diaspora Armenian specialists who are ready to use their knowledge to develop the regions of Armenia.

“We participate in this project for children”, said representative of UNICEF in Armenia Tanya Radoschy. According to her, this platform promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, goodwill, which is important at the present stage of development of Armenia: “The name “Together4Armenia” is rightly chosen for such a program. This is a chance for Diaspora Armenian NGOs to invest their knowledge and experience in the development of Armenia. Of course, money is important too, but the Diaspora can give much more and is ready to give. We hope that through this platform, Diaspora’s best professional potential will help to strengthen Armenian communities, creating a safer and more prosperous environment for Armenian families and their children”. Speakers noted that since 2016 more than 60 specialists from around the world have shared their experience with about 2100 residents living in Armenia through this free web-platform.




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