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Aram Sargsyan’s candidacy proposed for Yerkrapah Volunteer Union board chairman

July 06,2018 14:35

On July 5, a meeting of Yerkrapah Volunteer Union took place with the participation of Vice-Chairmen of the Union Board, regional councils of the Union, chairmen of territorial divisions of Yerevan and regions, and members of the Board.

Concluding the proposals of Yerkrapah Union members, Vice-Chairmen of the Board Ara Ketikyan, Ghukas Ulikhanyan and Hamlet Hayrapetyan, proposed the candidacy of MP,  leader of the “Republic” party, Aram Zaven Sargsyan, who is a member of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union.

“It is a great honor for me to be nominated for this position. I do not have the right to refuse, I do not have the right not to pursue the issues that the generation who fought in the 90’s defending Artsakh, has. I am very grateful to you for choosing me”, said Aram Sargsyan in his speech, also expressing a willingness to assume the role of Yerkrapah contributing to the statehood building, army strengthening and the homeland defense.


Yerkrapah Volunteer Union Media Department


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