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Nikol Pashinyan discusses expansion of Armenian-Iranian economic ties with Reza Ardakanian

July 11,2018 08:11

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian.

Prioritizing the furtherance of Armenian-Iranian relations, the Prime Minister expressed hope that through joint efforts the sides could tap the huge potential inherent in bilateral relations.

“Armenia is ready for close cooperation with friendly Iran. We attach great importance to our dialogue with all partners, and we are convinced that the Armenian-Iranian relations will continue to develop under this very principle,” Nikol Pashinyan said and stressed the need for boosting trade and economic exchanges.

Reza Ardakanian conveyed Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s message to Armenia’s Prime Minister and the invitation to visit Iran. The IRI Minister of Energy highlighted the prospects for cooperation and investing within the framework of free economic zones.

The parties evoked the jointly implemented energy projects and the possibility of materializing new initiatives. They attached importance to the furtherance of cooperation in different spheres and discussed issues related to the upcoming meeting of the intergovernmental commission. Nikol Pashinyan and Reza Ardakanian exchanged views on a number of regional concerns and issues of mutual interest.

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