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Three options for appointing a diplomat

July 11,2018 12:40

Given the state of our country, diplomatic service acquires as much importance as the military. I think there is no need to develop this thesis: modern war, as we know, is not limited to the military actions. It is also clear that not only concepts, approaches, plans, are important in this issue, but also the staff. To put it mildly, not everything has been smooth in Armenia in that sense.

Generally, there are three basic options for appointing ambassadors, consulates, honorary consulates and other diplomats: the best, the controversial and the worst. The best is to assign professionals, people who aim to serve the state, regardless of the nature of the government, the regime, etc., with their education and thinking. Political appointments are controversial, if a person is from a ruling political team, can be quite loyal to the state, but does not have professional skills and leaves the post after the change of power. There is such practice not only in Armenia, but also in more developed countries, such as the United States, and to say that all the political appointments of diplomats are ideal there, would be an exaggeration. In contrast to this there is the purely professional British diplomatic service, which, as we know, has a centuries-old traditions.

The worst option is the so-called “economic” appointments. A person runs a business in that country and holds a diplomatic position at the same time. At first glance there are positive aspects in it: he does not require money from the state, and can even spend his own money on some lobbying activities. However, these positive sides have no value, given that these businessmen are focused on their business, and there may be controversy between the interests of that business in a foreign country and the state interests of Armenia. This “economic” approach can lead to the fact that our compatriot, who lives in Sochi and has a suspicious behavior, becomes an advisor to the Foreign Minister of Armenia. Diplomat’s certificate for such businessmen is often just an instrument to better organize their business.

Thus, it is better to appoint professionals especially in the post of ambassadors. Of course, there are also exceptions. Charles Aznavour is such an exception for us. But he is an exception in everything.



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