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Artsakh Foreign Minister received interns of the Armenian Assembly of America

July 14,2018 16:08

On July 12, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh Republic) Masis Mayilian received a group of interns of the Armenian Assembly of America, led by the organization’s Regional Director Arpi Vartanian.

The Foreign Minister stressed the interest of the Artsakh side in the visits of the representatives of the Armenian Diaspora from the viewpoint of gaining accurate/objective insight into Artsakh, expanding knowledge on the republic and its further application in the issue of protecting the interests of the republic in the international arena.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also answered numerous questions of the participants concerning regional processes, priority directions of Artsakh’s foreign policy agenda, including the efforts of the authorities to strengthen cooperation between Artsakh and the Armenian Diaspora.

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