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Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address on 25th anniversary of Artsakh Republic foreign ministry

July 20,2018 13:04

On 20 July President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address on the 25th anniversary of the Artsakh Republic foreign ministry.

The address runs as follows:

“Respected staff members of the Artsakh Republic foreign ministry,

On behalf of the authorities and myself personally I extend the most heartfelt congratulations on 25th anniversary of founding the ministry.

The Artsakh foreign ministry, as an important state body of every free and sovereign country, was founded at a crucial period for our people, amid the most fervent Azerbaijani aggression.

Functioning in a state of war the foreign office accomplished a path full of difficulties and challenges, fulfilling the set tasks to its credit.

The foreign ministry actively participated in the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement negotiations and in the process of devising and inking the 1994 Ceasefire Agreement.

Following the cessation of the war the ministerial staff took an effective part in the peaceful settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, defending in parallel the interests of the republic in international platforms, developing mutually beneficial cooperation with different countries, providing truthful information on Artsakh worldwide and fighting against the i aggressive stance  of Azerbaijan in political and information terrain.

I am confident that having the necessary potential the Artsakh Republic foreign ministry will further exercise its functions properly and represent our country commendably in the international arena.

I take the pleasure to congratulate once again the central apparatus of the Artsakh Republic foreign ministry and the staff of the permanent diplomatic representations of Artsakh abroad on this memorable anniversary.

Accept my warmest wishes of peace, robust health, new achievements and all the best”.




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