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Armenian ‘grumble’, European smile: ‘Azg’

July 23,2018 14:34

It is clear that we take the opportunities and risks into consideration. The first, in case of Armenia, are really tempting: member of Eurasian Economic Union, comprehensive associate of the EU, trader with the US, who at the same time strengthens economic cooperation with Iran, etc.

However, examining the risks, we suddenly find out that Armenia is in a never-ending war with neighboring Azerbaijan, as a result of which active hostilities can be resumed every day, which will destroy our fish farming industry nulling millions of investments. Besides, extraordinary parliamentary elections are expected in the country in the near future, the result of which is unpredictable for now. In other words, it is possible that the government, which will be formed as a result of elections, may decide that we do not need foreign capital for fish farming, or that we cannot accept European capital, since the government has decided to deepen its relations with the Eurasian Economic Union.

Now, after these examinations, which I think are a must for a serious businessman of any serious country, would you hasten to invest in Armenia, especially if you were not Armenian in origin but a pure Portuguese? Personally, if I heard that the country was in a war, I would definitely refuse making investments if I did not have a business of weapons or medical equipment.

Then why do we get surprised when Europe welcomes our “democratic processes” only through words? For example, in Cuba, Castro was worshiped, and he was also a popular leader, but have you ever asked Merkel, Macron, or, moreover, Trump, whether Cuba is a democratic country.

In short, if I were a Portuguese businessman and heard how and why the Prime Minister of Armenia complained about Europe, I would smile and call my Malta colleagues to agree on building a fish farm in La Valetta. The reason is that there is no war, and no matter how the elections are or will be held, there is no national “grumble”.


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