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‘US investors follow legality of anti-corruption disclosures in Armenia’: Richard Mills

July 26,2018 15:33

After the recent social and political developments in Armenia, US investors have a great interest in investing in Armenia. US Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills told this in an interview. “Now it is important that the government of Armenia aims its efforts at ensuring the attractiveness of the investment environment. This is important not only for American but for any foreign investor”, the Ambassador stressed.

According to him, American investors follow the changes taking place in Armenia. “They welcome the changes, follow the course of law enforcement investigations, tax avoidance cases, corruption disclosures. They welcome actions taken against corruption and attach great importance to the legality of those actions. They want to be sure that honest investors will not suffer as a result of these anti-corruption actions. They follow to see if all this happens under the rule of law”.

Ambassador Mills also touched upon the possible deepening of Armenia-US relations in other spheres. “Recently the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia was in Brussels where he met with high-ranking US military officials. The possibility of deepening our partnership in this area is being discussed. Deepening and expanding trade and economic relations are also important for the US and Armenia”, the Ambassador summed up.




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