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Armenian parliamentarians Visit RF Republic of Karelia

August 03,2018 17:05

By the invitation of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the RF Republic of Karelia Elissan Shandalovich the RA NA Deputy Speaker Mikayel Melkumyan and the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Vardevan Grigoryan left for the Republic of Karelia on a reciprocal visit.

On August 2, official meetings were held with the Head of the Republic of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov and the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Elissan Shandalovich. During the meetings issues concerning the development of the trade-economic ties, the possibilities and ways of the increase of the trade turnover volumes, as well as the development of tourism. A number of issues of bilateral interest were also touched upon.

Mikayel Melkumyan and Vardevan Grigoryan accompanied by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the RF Republic of Karelia, deputies and representatives of the Armenian community visited the Tomb of the Brotherly and Unknown Soldier and the Monument of Glory with the Eternal Flame. The Armenian and Russian parliamentarians laid flowers at the cross-stone at Saint Alexander Nevsky.

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