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Armen Gevorgyan also indicted for March 1 case

August 04,2018 13:39

Sasun Khachatryan, Head of the Special Investigation Service, informed that former Deputy Prime Minister, former Secretary of the National Security Council Armen Gevorgyan was indicted. Armen Gevorgyan is accused of impeding the justice.

The charge was based on the publication of the “WikiLeaks”, according to which, in 2008, when the results of the elections were appealed, Armen Gevorgyan exerted pressure on the judge of the Constitutional Court, Valery Poghosyan, through the latter’s brother.

According to the Head of the Special Investigation Service, this is a serious crime, which stipulates up to 6 years of imprisonment.

Let us remind you, that Armenia’s ex-president Robert Kocharyan and CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov were also indicated for March 1 case. Kocharyan was remanded into custody and Khachaturov was released on 5 000 000 AMD bail.

Mass protests were held in Armenia, after presidential elections on 2008. The protests were organized by the supporters of the First President of Republic of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosian. During the protest held on March 1, 2008, clashes broke out between police and protesters. President Robert Kocharyan declared a 20-day state of emergency.

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