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First Deputy Prime Minister publishes his wife’s travel invoice

August 07,2018 14:34

First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, as promised, provided with the invoice which, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, is a fact that his wife Gohar Abajyan left for the United States and had a vacation there on the expense of the family budget.

Several days ago, in response to’s remark that only words are not enough to state that the traveling was not on the expense of the state budget, according to oppositionists, and that the later demand evidence, Ararat Mirzoyan said: “I have not presented, follow my page in the morning, I will publish the invoices”.

Deputy Prime Minister has provided with a photo of the invoice provided by “Avatour” LLC, which has a black mark on it. The invoice indicates its basis and purpose. The amount noted on it is a little bit suspicious: 116 thousand drams, and seems the first number is intentionally crossed out. Asked why the number was crossed out, Mr. Mirzoyan said that the amount is not important, and if anyone was curious to know whether the ticket was bought on the expense of their family budget, there is the evidence.

On July 14-21, Ararat Mirzoyan left for the United States on an official visit. On those days, publications were made in some media outlets and on Facebook that Mirzoyan’s wife, Gohar Abajyan, also traveled to the US with the delegation and had a vacation there at the expense of the state budget.

Mirzoyan explained that his wife had left for the United States at the expense of the family budget, but this was not enough for his opponents; the latter stated that the Deputy Prime Minister had not provided any evidence and facts.

Let us note that Mirzoyan has presented only the air ticket invoice.



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