Day newsfeed

Armenian Prime Minister on war and peace

August 13,2018 15:35

During the rally at Freedom Square in Noyemberyan city on August 10, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, replying to the question on keeping peace given by Flora Zurabyan, resident of Berdavan village near the border, said: “All people should see that we are so united that we do not fear from war. I wish to highlight the most important thing – yes, we want peace, but the Republic of Armenia and Armenian people are ready to counterattack the aggression of the adversary due to their unity. We should state this very clearly. And all people should be sure that the unprecedented pan-national unity that is in place today, no one should doubt that they will be included in defending the borders of their fatherland, the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh, with the same strength and even more fierceness. And our unity, our strength is the top guarantor of peace, people. We should go on becoming even stronger, our unity should continue becoming stronger not only in Armenia but in the whole world. The Armenian nation should be united, and it is our greatest guarantee. Today the Armenian nation is united, it means that we are able to provide peace.”


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