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Armenian developers can now offer paid apps on Google Play

August 15,2018 20:10

From now on, Armenian developers can sell their apps on Android Google Play, the Ministry of Transport, Communication and ITs told

The ministry says that previously the Armenian developers were allowed to submit free apps to Google Play to distribute them across the world. However, those having Google Play developer accounts in Armenia could not publish paid mobile apps or sell in-app purchases on the store, since Armenia was not included in the list of countries supported by Google.

The local Armenian companies had to open accounts in other states and pay taxes for sold apps. They also faced difficulties when receiving the money earned from the app sales.

With these issues repeatedly voiced by Armenian developers, the Armenian Ministry of Transport, Communication and ITs and Google representatives launched talks over the matter still in 2017.

“Finally, the talks were successfully completed last week. The companies registsred in Armenia can sell their apps on Google Play and get revenues,” the ministry said, adding the move will further boost mobile app development in Armenia and their sales in international markets.

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