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Heritage nominates Raffi Hovhannisyan for Yerevan mayor

August 20,2018 17:48

Meeting in executive session today, the board of the Heritage Party decided to endorse the nomination of its founding chairman Raffi K. Hovannisian for mayor of the Armenian capital in the pre-term elections slated for September 23.

The Republic’s first minister of foreign affairs and co-founder also of the Orran Children’s Center, the Armenian Center for National and International Studies and the Armenian Bar Association, Hovannisian will be joined on the Heritage Party’s list for Yerevan City Council by current Heritage chairman and former MP Armen Martirosyan (who will serve as campaign manager), civil rights leader Hovsep Khurshudyan, and more than 50 candidates drawn from professional, intellectual, women’s and youth circles both in the Party and representing civil society at large.

“Heritage, an observer member of the European People’s Party, looks forward to sharing with the citizens of Yerevan its vision for the capital modernization of the ‘mother city’ of New Armenia.  This year Yerevan marks the 2800th anniversary of its ancient precursor Erebuni
as well as its own 100th as the nation’s contemporary capital.  We are at once honored and empowered to extend our track record of public service as part and parcel of our people’s heritage of victory,” Raffi Hovannisian said.


A summary trailer of “Smile: The Heritage of Victory” can be found here


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