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Nikol Pashinyan to Serj Tankian: We agreed you will buy apartment in Armenia

August 23,2018 13:49

Nikol Pashinyan, in a live video on his Facebook page, announced that 35,000 more people from foreign nations came to Armenia in comparison to statistics from this time last year.

The prime minister of Armenia also discussed some of the doubts regarding some of his statements and once again emphasized, “The difference between the number of people who came and left Armenia last year from May 10th to August 14th is -6,000, meaning that there were 6,000 more people who left Armenia than the number of people who came. But this year, the difference between the number of people who came and went is +29,986, meaning that many people came in comparison to the number of people who left.”

Pashinyan informed that he met an Armenian from Kuwait in a cafe and the first question that he asked them was if they bought an apartment in Armenia. According to Pashinyan, the individual confirmed that they did. So, Pashinyan used this opportunity to remind Serj Tankian of his promise. “When Serj Tankian came to Armenia, he promised that he will definitely buy an apartment in Armenia. I don’t know if he did or didn’t, I don’t want to remind him in a private message, so I’m going to announce it publicly: Serj, we agreed that you would buy an apartment in Armenia. And let’s not mention that we also discussed you spending more time in Armenia.”

Nikol Pashinyan assured that there is the possibility of working, saving, and becoming wealthy in Armenia. Regarding a statement someone made about them selling shirts with Nikol’s pictures on them, Nikol Pashinyan said, “I’m happy if that helps people to make more money. If my picture or my name helps someone’s business move forward, I am happy for them.”


Regarding the demand for the prime minister to herd sheep by critics, Nikol Pashinyan responded, “According to some people’s logic, the prime minister was supposed to invite everyone to talk and agree upon giving them poverty benefits, and 5,000 drams between elections. It seems that when the prime minister instead tells people to herd sheep, since there are unlimited opportunities of exporting sheep, it’s illogical for some people.”


Tatev Harutyunyan

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