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Paul Bilzerian: If there’s a war, my sons and I are ready to come and perform our duty:

August 31,2018 14:35

Dan Bilzerian went to Artsakh with his family and friends. They went to Stepanakert in a helicopter, and then were taken to military training grounds. This was the first time the American-Armenian millionaire had been to Artsakh.

In an interview with the Artsakh state television channel, Dan Bilzerian said that he had a good time in his homeland. “I had a good time talking to so many people. Everything is wonderful,” he said. Dan’s brother Adam Bilzerian said that he feels like an Armenian. “I feel like an Armenian, and not only because I have -yan in my last name. Everyone here treats me like an Armenian. Maybe that’s also the reason why I feel at home here.”

The Bilzerians are from the Kharberd region of Western Armenia. Bilzerian went to Artsakh with his father and brother. His father had received Armenian citizenship several years ago, and when his sons received Armenian citizenship, they also registered in the army. Paul Bilzerian said that he’s also ready to defend Armenia.

“I don’t want for there to be a war and I want for Azerbaijan to understand that this is Armenian land. But if that doesn’t happen, my sons and I are prepared to come and perform our duty,” Dan Bilzerian’s father said.

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