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Special gift of Japanese art figure to Yerevan on the 2800th anniversary of foundation

August 31,2018 15:05

By the initiative of Yerevan Municipality tourism division, on the event of the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan foundation the well-known Japanese art figure, professor Kunito Nagaoka made a copy of the Urartian cuneiform record considered to be Yerevan “passport” kept in the historical-archaeological reserve-museum “Erebuni”. The artist made the copy of the record using the traditional Chinese technique Taku-Hon. He also made a copy of the famous Khachkar (cross stone) kept in Yerevan History Museum. It should be noted that nowadays this technique is mainly mastered by the Japanese. Thin strong paper made of natural fabric and corresponding ink were used to make the copy. In Yerevan, the artist used Japan sort of paper called “tango”. Any handmade copy is considered to be an original and has the signature of the artist.

“I am impressed with the cultural, spiritual traditions of Armenians and want to revive and certify the mission of ancient Khachkars and to return them to the modern world with their whole richness and finesse of engravings. I’d like to mention that the cuneiform record of Yerevan foundation can become a masterpiece of the 21st century though it was created centuries ago”, said the Japanese artist.
The head of Yerevan Municipality tourism division Gevorg Orbelyan, greeting and thanking the artist for such a gift said, “This year is a jubilee year for Yerevan and these gifts are really symbolic. They will certainly become a part of exhibitions to be shown in foreign countries to present the Armenian culture more thoroughly”.
The professor handed the copies to Yerevan History and “Erebuni” museums.

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of the City Hall of Yerevan

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