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Valery Osipyan: ‘Street performances will be limited’

September 01,2018 16:35

According to Chief of Police Valery Osipyan, musicians performing on the street is nice, especially when they’re playing for tourists and others passing by, but it is very noisy for people who live in the nearby areas. Therefore, they have to follow certain rules. The police chief said that the musicians’ street performances have to end by 11:00 PM.

“We’ve received several calls from people living around here,” Osipyan said. He also said that the police station received two calls which the police responded to appropriately.

Regarding the fight that took place with the Ukrainian musicians, the police chief said that they were not sober and the police were asked to intervene by people walking down the street.

“I found out that neither of them was sober, and the fight took place between the two of them. They hit each other and cursed at one another. The police were forced to intervene, since passersby asked them to, saying, “Don’t you see that these two drunk people are hitting each other” The police saw beer bottles, which was a violation of the rule about drinking alcohol in public,” the police chief said. He expressed confidently that the police legally took them into custody, where the incident was recorded, and when the time was up they were freed.

Osipyan also said that no laws were broken during the fight between the musicians and the police on Northern Avenue, and there is no need for an investigation.


Nelly Babayan

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