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Foreign Minister of Armenia delivered first lecture at the YSU Faculty of International Relations

September 04,2018 21:11

On September 3, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, according to the established tradition, visited the Yerevan State University on the occasion of the start of the academic year, and delivered his first lecture for students and professors of the Faculty of International Relations.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs congratulated the attendees on the start of the academic year and wished all success in obtaining new knowledge and professional development.

Minister briefed the students on the main directions and priorities of the foreign policy of Armenia, touching upon Armenia’s involvement in different processes of international relations both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Minister Mnatsakanyan emphasized the attempts to put Armenia’s foreign policy within certain terms, formulations and definitions; it can be defined as Armenia-centric policy, when the vectors of foreign policy activities are directed towards Armenia.

Presenting the global direction of the foreign policy agenda, the Foreign Minister mentioned that Armenia is also one of the pioneers of the agenda of preventing genocide and crimes against humanity, stressing that this issue is not a question of only one or some states; it requires the investment, tools and capacities of the international community as a whole.

Touching upon the significance of the Francophonie Summit to be held in Yerevan in October, as well as its preparatory works, Minister Mnatsakanyan stressed that this summit is unprecedented in the history of the third Republic of Armenia and the Armenian side remains committed to hold it on the highest level.

Zohrab Mnatsakanyan briefed the students of the YSU Faculty of International Relations on the approaches of Armenian authorities towards the exclusively peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, underlining that Artsakh’s security and status are the main priorities for Armenia.

At the end of the meeting Zohrab Mnatsakanyan answered the questions of the students related both to the foreign policy of Armenia and the peculiarities of diplomatic service.


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