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Kostanyan on not keeping his promises regarding March 1st case and SIS head discoveries

September 13,2018 20:38

RPA parliamentarian, former Prosecutor General, and military prosecutor Gevorg Kostanyan spoke to reporters regarding SIS head Sasun Khachatryan’s discoveries regarding the March 1st case. He said, “I always am reserved when it comes to any discovery, because we all know that those discoveries receive their final evaluations in a court decision. We now can speak about any discovery, but tomorrow the court could discontinue that case, or it could go to court and the court will justify it.”

Kostanyan said that the only people who have the right to spread the secrets of the investigation are the investigator and the prosecutor. “You can judge whether or not the SIS head is involved in that.”

Regarding our observation that the SIS head said we need to investigate the March 1st case from zero since none of the facts will be accepted, Kostanyan said, “Let them not only start from zero, but from a negative number. I’m very flattered.”

Answering’s question regarding him always mentioning how he’ll move the cart from its place, but the new authorities have found out that, for example, Tigran Abgaryan was killed by special brigades, Kostanyan responded, “We need to take into consideration a few things. I wasn’t an investigator. I was a prosecutor and if you’ve noticed- I trust that you’ve noticed- the discoveries regarding this case, if we can consider those to be discoveries, were made by an investigator, not a prosecutor.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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