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Armenia hosts international forum on music education and intercultural dialogue

September 20,2018 16:04

Armenian music professors and youth gathered on 14–15 September in the country’s capital of Yerevan for an international forum on “Intercultural dialogue: Music Education Paths”.

The event involved guest speakers from the EU and served as a platform for sharing experiences and different approaches to music education.

“Dialogue of cultures is a strong contributor in building and promoting understanding within and between societies,” said EU Ambassador to Armenia Piotr Świtalski. “It is a testimony of how much Europe is a model of cultural diversity and it proves the vitality and creativity that comes out of the intercultural dialogue.”

The EU Delegation to Armenia and several embassies of EU Member States supported the forum in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

Throughout 2018, the European Union is celebrating diverse cultural heritage across Europe – at EU, national, regional and local level – through the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The aim of this initiative is to encourage more people to engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.

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