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Paris Court of Appeals rejects Azerbaijani government’s complaint

September 21,2018 14:52

The Paris Court of Appeals rejected a complaint from the Azerbaijani government that demanded to reverse a decision made by the First Instance Court about French reporters who referred to Azerbaijan as a “dictatorship.” In November of last year, the First Instance Court of Paris found Azerbaijan’s complaint about reporters criticizing Azerbaijan to be unacceptable. After this, Azerbaijan appealed to the Court of Appeals.


Reporters Elise Lucet and Laurent Richard from the France 2 television channel spoke about former French President Francois Hollande’s visits to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. They referred to Azerbaijan as one of the worst dictatorships in the world in the program, which was aired in September of 2015.

The Azerbaijani government filed a case against them in the Parisian courts, blaming the reporters with defaming and criticizing Azerbaijan.

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