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Startup Boost Weekend promotes entrepreneurship skills among young Armenians

September 21,2018 18:09

On 14–16 September, around 120 university students from Armenia gathered for a unique event to define and shape their startup ideas, develop teams, and present fresh and creative ideas under the supervision of experienced mentors.

The event was full of lively discussions and sessions on idea generation, prototyping, hypothesis and validation, and pitching techniques. A group of 25 experienced mentors were present to assist the young Armenian entrepreneurs.

Students teamed up to develop and improve their startup ideas, with three teams winning awards at the end of the event. The winners received a range of prizes and practical support to further develop their ideas.

For the second year running, the event was supported by the ‘Support to SME Development in Armenia’ (EU-SMEDA) project, operating under the EU4Business initiative of the EU. It aims to seed healthy entrepreneurship among young and talented students, in turn boosting the creation of startups in Armenia.

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