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Response from ‘My Step’ alliance regarding pizza deliveries and violation at 2/4 station

September 23,2018 20:46

“Free Observer” warned that at the 2/4 polling station in the Nor Nork district, a member of the “Civil Contract” political party’s committee was campaigning at the center for “My Step” and was making statements against Prosperous Armenia, criticizing several videos. The president of the committee did not register the incident, but further campaigning is prohibited. Also, they received a call that members of the “My Step” alliance have been distributing pizza at election centers.

Spokesperson of the “Civil Contract” political party Vahan Kostanyan said that they are trying to figure out what happened at the 2/4 station and when they find out, they will give an explanation. Later, Kostanyan responded to criticism on his Facebook page. “We are responsible for not allowing people we trust and members of the committee to remain hungry, since they have a very important job to do today. The pizza was supposed to be for members of our team.” Regarding the registered incident at the 2/4 station, Kostanyan said, “One of our trusted people will record which member of the committee it was who showcased the “My Step” alliance’s video.”


Hripsime Jebejyan


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