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President of Turkish parliament speaks about Artsakh issue in Baku

September 25,2018 13:37

Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Binali Yildirim participated in the special parliament session in honor of the 100th anniversary of parliament in Azerbaijan.

Yildirim held a speech and emphasized that Turks and Azerbaijanis are the descendants of the same people. According to him, Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s stable and constructive collaboration can serve as an example in this overstrained and anxious world.

The Turkish official considers the Artsakh conflict to be one that could cause the region to rot away.

“It’s impossible for the risk of conflict to go away in the Caucasus since there still hasn’t been a lasting resolution to the problem. Turkey has supported Azerbaijan’s demands and expectations since the beginning. The Armenian state, including Karabakh, needs to get out of the territories Azerbaijan has won without any conditions. This land is Azerbaijan’s. That’s how it has been and how it will always be,” Binali Yildirim said.



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