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Robert Kocharyan sues Nikol Pashinyan for slander

September 25,2018 15:37

Second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan filed a case to the Yerevan Court of First Instance against Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, asking to defend his honor and dignity after it was publicly slandered. The case entered the court on September 17th.

The announcement in the case was the one made by Nikol Pashinyan during his visit to France, which was about Robert Kocharyan. When Pashinyan met with the Armenian community, he spoke about the phone conversation between the heads of the NSS and SIS, and he also spoke about second President Robert Kocharyan.

Robert Kocharyan’s representative, lawyer Hayk Alumyan spoke to “Hetq,” said that the following part of Pashinyan’s speech is considered slander: “Or even the comment about freeing Robert Kocharyan. It’s said that he’s immune. What does immunity mean? So he can organize people’s murder and say that he’s ‘immune’? Where is that written?”

“He wants to say that Robert Kocharyan organized people’s murder and now he’s talking about his immunity. Robert Kocharyan was not faced with such a problem, and there is no court decision made about such a legal decision that he was considered to be at fault. But the prime minister made the kinds of statements that we think are unacceptable,” said lawyer Hayk Alumyan.

Robert Kocharyan’s representative said that the demand is for Nikol Pashinyan to publicly apologize for the aforementioned statement. Hayk Alumyan said that there is no demand for compensation.

The case was inscribed by judge Hayarpi Zargaryan.

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  1. And I sue Robert Kocharyan for theft of elections, mega money and human rights! Oh, and for looking like an ugly criminal in the above picture. Ridiculous!

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