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‘Now it is being discussed how process for recalling Khachaturov will begin’: MFA

September 26,2018 15:37

There are still discussions and conversations being held regarding the process of changing the current CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov and the deadlines that have been presented. There is still no clear information, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan told reporters.

According to him, when it’s clear how Khachaturov will be replaced and what the deadline is, Armenia will present its candidate, since Armenia can still hold the position (next year, Belarus will have the right to nominate a candidate).

“Let’s take into consideration that there hasn’t been a precedent for having a CSTO Secretary General be replaced before the time limit was up. Now, there are discussions being held about what basis his replacement will be on,” Tigran Balayan added. Yuri Khachaturov was found guilty of violating the Armenian constitution during the famous criminal case of March 1st. After he was found guilty, Armenia initiated the process of him being replaced.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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