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‘The elections will simply be for Nikol Pashinyan’: Edgar Vardanyan

September 27,2018 13:33

According to political scientist Edgar Vardanyan, the ruling political force has a much higher chance of getting more votes in the parliamentary elections. “It’s possible for the 81 percent to gain a few percentage points. This is first because parliamentary elections will gain a lot more attention from the public, and the most important thing is that Nikol Pashinyan will be the leading figure on the ballots. Therefore, the elections will simply be for Nikol Pashinyan.”

Edgar Vardanyan stated that Prosperous Armenia received seven percent of the votes because it was not against the revolutionary agenda and it tried to say that they were supportive of the revolution, but the authorities are falling back from that revolution. He explained, “Even Prosperous Armenia understood that it wouldn’t have any chance if it were against the revolution. But if discoveries take place on a legal platform that have to do with Prosperous Armenia, then it’s possible to change that seven percent. They could even lose that. There will be a serious fight from a tolerance standpoint and they will end up bargaining.”

Edgar Vardanyan, regarding the RPA’s chances, said that it’s obvious the RPA will devastatingly lose.

Tatev Harutyunyan

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