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Bako Sahakyan received the European Parliament delegation at the head of Eleni Theocharous

September 28,2018 16:04

On 27 September President Bako Sahakyan received the European Parliament delegation at the head of Eleni Theocharous.

Issues related to the cooperation with the European Parliament were on the discussion agenda.

President Sahakyan stressed that establishing and deepening relations with Europe and its structures had been among the priority directions of the Artsakh Republic foreign policy, acknowledging the committed and selfless work carried out by Eleni Theocharous and other friends of Artsakh with this regard.

For the charitable missions carried out in the NKR during the years of the Artsakh Liberation Struggle, as well as for defending the rights and legitimate interests of the Artsakh Republic citizens abroad mayor of Stepanakert Souren Grigoryan handed over to Eleni Theocharous the certificate of Honored citizen of Stepanakert.

Artsakh Republic National Assembly deputy chairman Vahram Balayan, foreign minister Masis Mayilyan, head of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy head Kaspar Karapetyan and other officials took part at the meeting.


Central Information Department

of the Office of the ARTSAKH REPUBLIC President                                                                        

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