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Armenia drops charges against Turkish citizen based on humanitarianism

September 28,2018 13:37

The National Security Service of Armenia filed a criminal case on July 25th, 2018 against a Turkish adolescent citizen for illegally crossing the Armenian national border without any paperwork.

According to the information that was obtained, 16 year old Umut Ali Mustafa Ozmen crossed the Armenian border from Turkey on July 24th, 2018, and was caught by members of the Russian Federal Security Service in Armenia.

During the preliminary investigations, Umut Ali expressed regret for his actions, and confessed that he had always wanted to come to Armenia and compare it to Kars, the region he lived in. Since he was an adolescent and didn’t have the appropriate paperwork, his only option was to illegally cross the border.

The operative assessment and investigation tried to see if Umut Ali Ozmen had any possible ties to extremist groups or terrorist organizations, but they were unable to find any such connections.

The organization in charge of the investigation, based on humanitarian reasons and based on the fact that Umut Ali Ozmen is a minor who gave completely correct information and honestly expressed regret for his actions, decided on September 25th, 2018 that the case against Umut Ozmen will be dropped. Ozmen was given permission to leave the Republic of Armenia.


NSS Press Center

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